Hey folks back with a post! It's a post specially for my dear B.Tech guys of JNTU(only) and guys who are above 75% please back off! I write here for talented guys who struggle it out to cross that barrier called 70, which does and will have an impact as you are outta your coll! Remember it does!
Let's start off, i' am a fourth year guy who never by gods grace had a backlog yet managed to struggle out the threshold of Seventy! No waffling, lemme just start off!
You got to deal with three things in your extensively boring 4 years unproductive, un-innovative jntu B.tech.
1. Internals
2. Practicals
3. Ext.
Internals: Four internals a day is quite big hectic! But when you got a few questions that could probably appear down front your eyes in the hall, it isn't tough to crack the subjective! and the objective is like jai bholo ganesh maharaj ki jai :)
Labs: Here comes the next part that boosts your percentage, follow these steps n you'd be out with blushing faces. There are two people in it to deal with
1. Lab asst.
2. Lab In-charge.
A few things to keep in mind:
1. Never ever show your attitude in practical sessions( I did once and was punished)
2. Don't try to bark at the lab asst. like an alsatian dog, even if he does act back like you have realized why he was trying to bark at you!

3. Please don't be an Vodafone Pug, loitering around with a hope of gaining marks!
4.Be a pomeranian puppy which wags it tail seeing someone( a smile looking at him) . Just this one makes him feel better, a SIR kinda feeling erupts out with a reverse smile at you.
Well well here's the party buddies! You'd probably at the end of your fourth year realize that there are only a few kinds of guys(or gals) during this hard period time called exams

-> Here comes the sufferer of the above, one who is induced with tension from the above person.
-> If you fall in this category you'd never refer to this( the perfect one)
-> the last bunch is the one's who read a bit before the exam, write something n clear the subject at ease and never think of percentage until Fourth year :) (like me)
Now we are done with the classification here comes the preparation. It's been a one day game as every one knows it but pals i ask a day more!
Day-1: Well well, you have nothing much to study in here except the introductions of the five units you n your dearest one's have discussed n chosen to read. Intro is the first three pages or so which in content explains about the unit in brief. Remember don't mug up this, understand and do note down the first few basic points of all the five units! Later plan out whats easy and what you gotta read.
Day 2: It's our general work out buds, just mugging up and seeing through or referring through every damn thing in those units! If it's a theory subject remember, figures play the most important role!
Writing the XAM: What matters in JNTU is quantity with a li'll bit of quality. Start of the exam with a beautiful answer that you thought would definitely be in paper. Write well, draw diag's with excellence, if its a programming language then please do insert a sample program for every function you explain.
@Crisis: Here is my favorite part and this is the best technique that saved me out of all the crisis situations.
During third year, i had to face an subject called EMTL (Please i don't remember the full form :D) but i remember that all the 8 questions where out of my reach. I've never seen 'em at all but do you know? i passed out with an amazing 70 on 100 .... it was a mere shock yet it's true.
1. Read the Question twice( for eg)
What is Field due to different Charge distributions? what are convention currents?
Sounds weird? yet it did when i was writing the exam! But folk you have to pass out :P
So i started writing off this way:
Intro: this is where the first day work out comes to rescue, write what have you learnt in the unit, neverthless whatever the Q is you have to write.
Field: ( i started explaining what field is. lol stupid i agree but it saves you specially in jntu. I wrote of all things i know of field but related to the EMTL 1st units synopsis)
Charge: Explained charge and later charge distributions from intermediate lol
Convention: Is it a common word? but you have currents appended to it, so think whatever you can and write about currents! But write with respect to the stupid synopsis guys!
2. Cheat codes: Well cheat codes are not chits people keep. Cheat codes are one's that are used to cheat the examiner ( i mean the one who corrects your paper).
-> cc 1: Figure, the appropriate figure is the best cheat code, you write stuff no one's gonna bother if you got the picture right.
->cc 2: Neatness: It's tough but try to maintain it, let the evaluator know that you are interested in writing the exam.
->cc3: Boxes: Not the margin boxes but do bother to put the result of a problem or a derivation in a block but neatly do it.
->cc4: Side headings: You don't need to mug up them, just see the question, you'll probably get a lot.
->cc4: Graphs: Look at a relation like if its a directly proportional, then damn draw a graph on your own.. None bothers what you drew, just they look your confidence in it.
->cc5: Lines: after each and every answer draw a line indicating its end.
3.One: Just develop an interest to one subject in your sem of six subjects, may be a liking for the sir or ma'm or for the future course or anything have an extreme liking to a subject and score maximum in it. The more often you get 60's( out of 100) in the other 5's and 80+ in the other damn no where your 70 will go!
Bingo! it's done dear, Write much (related) and gain much.
IMP: 1:Never ever give up writing, write as much as you can. Expand much and much.
2: Don't think of anything in the exam till the three hours complete
3. Do carry a watch, and take exam seriously only when you are writing it :)
All the best pals! any suggestions are accepted!
gooooooooooooood one dude
add as to how useful is the all in one,how can one student effectively use both the all in one and the textbook
karthik saviour andi meeru i m reading this before going to every exam...this was surely of help :D I LOVE THIS ARTICLE
too gud karthik....
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